Seligenstaedter Str. 100
63791 Karlstein am Main
Tél : +49 9131 9000

Framatome’s Center of Excellence for safety technology, core instrumentation
Framatome GmbH (Seligenstädter Straße) hosts unique test and qualification facilities that provide real life conditions to support new reactor and component developments, manufacturing techniques, engineering, plant maintenance, testing and qualifications. It is Framatome’s Center of Excellence for safety technology, core instrumentation and home to the I&C Academy* for internal and external customer training.
Site facts
Karlstein is the cradle of Germany’s nuclear energy industry. It is home to the first German reactor, the experimental NPP Kahl, built in the late fifties. Today, Framatome Karlstein builds on this rich history, hosting unique test facilities and servicing plant operators from all over the world.
* The I&C Academy currently covers the area of the Framatome’s responsibility in Germany.
Contact us
Framatome GmbH
Seligenstädter Str. 100
63791 Karlstein am Main
+49 9131 9000