Certificates and Accreditations
1 - Certificates
All certificates
KTA 1401
Design and construction of nuclear power plants, research reactors, electrical and control systems, engineering, manufacturing, maintenance, non-destructive examination, upgrades, dismantling services, decontamination, service and laboratory work, sales, diagnostic systems in NPP.
KTA 1401
Design and construction of nuclear power plants, research reactors, electrical and control systems, engineering, manufacturing, maintenance, non-destructive examination, upgrades, dismantling services, decontamination, service and laboratory work, sales, diagnostic systems in NPP.
KTA 1401 (German language)
Auslegung und Errichtung von Kernkraftwerken, Forschungsreaktoren, Elektro- und Leittechnik, Engineering, Fertigung, Instandhaltung, Zerstörungsfreie Prüftechnik, Nachrüstungen, Rückbauleistungen, Dekontamination, Service- und Laborarbeiten, Vertrieb, Diagnosesysteme in Kernkraftwerken
KTA 1401 (German language)
Auslegung und Errichtung von Kernkraftwerken, Forschungsreaktoren, Elektro- und Leittechnik, Engineering, Fertigung, Instandhaltung, Zerstörungsfreie Prüftechnik, Nachrüstungen, Rückbauleistungen, Dekontamination, Service- und Laborarbeiten, Vertrieb, Diagnosesysteme in Kernkraftwerken
KTA 1401 & CEFRI
KTA 1401
Design and construction of nuclear power plants, research reactors, electrical and control systems, engineering, manufacturing, maintenance, non-destructive examination, upgrades, dismantling services, decontamination, service and laboratory work, sales, diagnostic systems in NPP.
KTA 1401
Design and construction of nuclear power plants, research reactors, electrical and control systems, engineering, manufacturing, maintenance, non-destructive examination, upgrades, dismantling services, decontamination, service and laboratory work, sales, diagnostic systems in NPP.
KTA 1401 (German language)
Auslegung und Errichtung von Kernkraftwerken, Forschungsreaktoren, Elektro- und Leittechnik, Engineering, Fertigung, Instandhaltung, Zerstörungsfreie Prüftechnik, Nachrüstungen, Rückbauleistungen, Dekontamination, Service- und Laborarbeiten, Vertrieb, Diagnosesysteme in Kernkraftwerken
KTA 1401 (German language)
Auslegung und Errichtung von Kernkraftwerken, Forschungsreaktoren, Elektro- und Leittechnik, Engineering, Fertigung, Instandhaltung, Zerstörungsfreie Prüftechnik, Nachrüstungen, Rückbauleistungen, Dekontamination, Service- und Laborarbeiten, Vertrieb, Diagnosesysteme in Kernkraftwerken
ISO & Module H
2 – Accreditations
Framatome maintains various accreditations according to ISO / IEC 17020, ISO / IEC 17025, ASME BPVC Sections V und XI and EN 45001 for the following services:
Qualicon Testing Laboratory for non-destructive testing (NDT)
Qualicon Inspection Body
Environmental and climatic environmental testing
Monitoring and diagnostic systems
Mechanic-technological and metallographic testing
Hot cells and semi-hot cells facilities for analyses and examinations of materials
Annex to Accreditation Certificate – Framatome GmbH “Heiße Zellen”, “Radiochemische Analyse”, “Inkorporationsüberwachung”, “Chemische Analyse”, “Bestrahlungsanlage”
Radiochemical analysis for emission and immission surveillance
Annex to Accreditation Certificate – Framatome GmbH “Heiße Zellen”, “Radiochemische Analyse”, “Inkorporationsüberwachung”, “Chemische Analyse”, “Bestrahlungsanlage”
Analysis of biological samples of radioactive materials and determination of incorporated radionuclides
Physical, physic-chemical and chemical analyses
Thermal, fluid-mechanical and process-technological examinations and diagnostics for components and systems
Annexes to Accreditation Certificate – Framatome GmbH Technical Center, Thermohydraulik und Komponententests
Framatome GmbH calibration laboratory
Annex to Accreditation Certificate – Framatome GmbH Kalibrierlaboratorium